Environmental & Risk Management / EH&S / Track / Assign Employees to Training task

Assigning Employees to Training Programs

No matter the industry, companies typically have staff take a number of safety-related training programs throughout the year. For example:

The safety officer uses the Assign Employees to Training task to:

Additionally, the safety program can use other EH&S tasks to:

Note: If the NotifyTraining parameter is set to YES in Application Parameter background data, employees will be sent email notifying them of scheduled training.

To view a list of employees assigned to a training program:

You might perform this task to monitor class size and make adjustments when a class gets too large.

  1. In the Process Navigator, click EH&S/ Track / Assign Employees to Training.
  2. In the Filter pane, select a Training Program Code for which you want to review the employee assignments. You can further refine the list of training programs by filtering it by Training Type (one-time, refresher, initial, incident-related, etc.)
  3. You can select any of the filter values to restrict the list of Employees based on their organizational unit information (division, department, title, and standard).

  4. Click Show.
  5. The system lists all employees meeting the filter options that are assigned to the specified training program. The system also lists the dates that they are scheduled to take this training program. Note that if the training is to occur according to a recurring schedule, the system lists a separate record for each time the employee is to take this training program.

To assign an employee to a one-time or routine training program:

Although you might schedule the majority of training for an employee based on the employee's work category, there are situations in which you will need to assign training (both one-time and replacement) to individual employees.

For example, an employee might be the only person who will work on an upcoming special project which requires specialized training; this training is not scheduled by work category because it is unique to only this employee's upcoming task. .

  1. Use the filter to view a list of employees assigned to a training program, as described in the above procedure.
  2. Select an employee and choose Assign Training to Employee.
  3. In the resulting dialog, enter the date beginning from which the scheduling routine should determine the schedule and generate training events
  1. The system updates the list of employee training dates in the left pane to include the generated items. If the training program must be retaken on a regular basis,you will see that there are multiple entries for this program in the list and that the dates of these entries reflect the training program's renewal pattern.

  2. You can also see the employee's new training program assignments by selecting the employee and choosing the "See Existing Employee Training" button.

To assign multiple employees at one time to a one-time or routine training program

  1. As described in the first procedure, use the filter to select a list of employees (such as those belonging to a certain organization or having the same employee standard) and select the training program to which to assign them.
  2. The system lists this set of employees. Review the list and select all employees that you want to assign to the specified training program. For any employee, you can select its check box and choose the See Existing Employee Training button to see all the programs to which this employee is already assigned.
  3. Click Assign Training to Employees.
  4. In the resulting dialog, enter the date beginning from which the scheduling routine should determine the schedule and generate training events
  1. The system updates the list of employee training dates in the left pane to include the generated items. If the training program must be retaken on a regular basis,you will see that there are multiple entries for this program in the list and that the dates of these entries reflect the training program's renewal pattern.

  2. You can also see an employee's new training program assignments by selecting the employee and choosing the "See Existing Employee Training" button.