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Entering Employees
Many ARCHIBUS processes offer tasks for entering basic data about employees, such as room location, department, title, and so forth.
- Select the Define Employees task.
- The system presents the current list of employees. Click on an employee to edit it and its values appear in the right frame. Or, click Add New to create a new employee.
- Define this employee by completing the following fields.
- Employee Name -- Enter a name to uniquely identify this employee. Typically, you will want to complete this field using the format
last name, first name
and use an identifying middle initial if you have more than one employee with this name. You can enter more descriptive names in the Name-Last and Name-First fields, described below.
- Name - Last -- Use this field to enter the last name only. You may need this format if exporting to an existing spreadsheet.
- Name - First -- Use this field to enter the first name only.
- Employee Standard -- Choose the type of employee from the list. You can further elaborate on the employee's role within the company by completing the Employee Title field, below.
- Employee Number -- Most companies assign a number to each employee. You may enter it here.
- Employee Telephone/Cellular Number- - Enter the standard and cell phone numbers for this employee.
- Email Address -- Enter the employee's email address. ARCHIBUS Administrators can configure applications to automatically send email messages about the status of an item. Be sure to complete this field if you want the ARCHIBUS applications to send email messages to this employee. For information on configuring email, system administrators should see Users, Employees, and Emails.
- Division/Department -- Enter the division and department for which this employee works by choosing values from these lists.
- Building/Floor/Room --Enter the room that the employee occupies by choosing values from these lists. If this is a new employee who does not yet have a location, leave these fields empty.
- Date Hired -- Enter the date that the employee was hired. This can be important for tracking renewal of certifications and training using the Environmental Health & Safety application.
- Employee Photo -- Use this to associate an image of the employee with the record. For information, see Using the Document Management System.
- Employee Title -- Although the Employee Standard indicates the employee's role within the organization, your company may also use more descriptive titles than the standard indicates. Similarly, multiple personnel with different titles may be grouped under the same standard. Use this field to describe the employee's position and title within the organization.
- Click the Save button
to save your changes. This employee data is saved to the Employees table.