Workplace Services / Reservations

Defining Resource Standards

You define your resource standards before defining your fixed resources, unique resources, limited resources, and unlimited resources. Each resource standard can be associated with a Vendor Code and/or Trade Code. Therefore, the resource standard that is assigned to a resource determines the work requests that are generated.

For information on setting up Vendors and Trades data, see the Define Trades and Define Vendors topics.

To enter new Resource Standards data:

  1. Select the Develop Background Data/Define Resource Standards task in the Process Navigator.
    The Resource Standards form appears.
  2. Click the Add New button.
  3. Enter a unique value for the Resource Standard Code.
  4. Enter a unique Resource Standard Name.
  5. Optionally, enter a Description.
  6. Select a Resource Nature value.
  7. Select Vendor Code and Trade Code values as necessary.
  8. Click the Save button to save your changes. The new Resource Standards data is saved to the Resource Standards table.
  9. Click Add New to add an additional entry to the Resource Standards table.
  10. Continue to add additional Resource Standards as needed.