Environmental & Risk Management / Green Building / Scoring - Track

Associating Documents with a Rating Project

Throughout the process of applying for certification, entering your certification results, and preparing for recertification, you may need to associate documents with the project. For example, you might have back-up documents that prove that you've increased your natural daylight, correspondence from the certifying agency, or a spreadsheet with data to prove your annual savings for implementing a credit.

Associating documents such as this with your rating project can provide valuable information when analyzing your current status, applying for certification, and planning for future certification efforts.

You can add documents to a rating project at any stage in the certification process: initial application, entering your certification results, or preparing for recertification.

To upload documents to a rating project, you use the ARCHIBUS document management system. For general information on this system, see Using the Document Management System.

To check in a document for the first time:

  1. On the Process Navigator, choose Upload Documents.
  2. In the left pane, choose the rating project to which you wish to upload a document.
  3. Choose Add New.
  4. In the bottom right pane, you must first enter information about your document:
  5. Document Title Enter a descriptive title that clearly identifies your document. Since your project might have many documents, you may wish to include a date or subject in the document title so that others can easily find this document.

    Enter the author's name, or choose a value from the validating list.

    Document Date

    Enter the date that the document was written.
    Description Enter any notes about this document.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. In the upper pane, the system displays your record describing the document. Select this record.
  8. In the lower pane, click the arrow next to the Document field. Navigate to the document's location and choose it.
  9. The system now displays additional buttons next to the Document field so that you can manage this document.

To review or manage a rating project document:

Once a document is associated with a rating project, you can access it by following these steps:

  1. On the Process Navigator, choose Upload Documents.
  2. In the left pane, choose the rating project for which you wish to manage a document.
  3. In the upper right pane, choose the record describing your document.
  4. In the bottom right pane, use the buttons next to the Document field to review, check in a new version, delete, or lock your document. See Using the Document Management System.