Environmental & Risk Management / Green Building / Scoring - Track

Adding Notes to a Rating Project

Throughout the process of applying for certification, entering your certification results, and preparing for recertification, you may need to enter notes about the process. For example, you may have a phone conversation with a representative of the certifying agency and wish to document a summary of the phone call. Or, you may wish to document an internal discussion about the merits of working towards a higher score on a particular credit.

Including notes and discussions such as this with your rating project can provide valuable information when analyzing your current status and planning for future certification efforts.

You can add notes to a rating project at any stage in the certification process: initial application, entering your certification results, or preparing for recertification.

When entering notes about your rating project, consider that a rating project can cover a lengthy time period and can generate a lot of activity, such that you accumulate many notes. To organize these many notes, you can group them under the same subject by entering a consistent value for the Subject field. Using the same value for the Subject field enables other users to easily find all notes of this subject by using the filter options.

Note: If you have a lengthy note to document, you may wish to write it in a separate file and then associate the document with the rating project. See Uploading Documents for a Rating Project

To add a note:

  1. On the Process Navigator, choose Enter Rating Project Notes.
  2. In the left pane, choose the rating project to which you wish to add a note.
  3. Choose Add New.
  4. In the bottom right pane, complete the following fields:
  5. Log Date Enter the current date, or the date to which the discussion pertains.

    If this is a new subject, enter a descriptive summary of the discussion.

    If you are continuing activity on a previous subject, complete this field with the same value that you have already used. This will enable readers of your notes to filter the view and easily find related notes.


    Enter a detailed description about your conversation, decisions, or other activity related to the certification process.
  6. Save your changes.

To review your notes:

When reviewing previous activity on your rating project, note that the Enter Rating Project Notes view includes a filter to help you find notes entered by the same person, notes of the same subject, or notes within a specified date range.

To display the filter, choose the Filter Options button. The filter console appears at the top of the screen so that you can limit the notes by date range, author, or subject.

You can hide the filter by again choosing the Filter Options button.