Workplace Services / Hoteling / Business Process Owner

Defining Approving Managers for Departments

With the Define Approval and Notification Parameters task, the business process owner can configure that bookings require manager approval. If manager approval is required, the business process owner must define the manager for each department that can approve bookings.

When you create a booking, you associate the booking with a department. For each department, use this task to define the approving manager. This is often the department manager; however, you can specify any other employee to approve bookings for this department.

Some sites may wish to centrally manage their hoteling tasks and have one hoteling administrator, rather than individual department personnel, approve bookings. In this case, you would assign the same user to all departments.

To specify that a manager can approve bookings:

  1. From the Process Navigator, choose Business Process Owner/Define Department Approving Manager.
  2. In the left pane, drill down to select a department.
  3. In the right pane, choose an employee to approve bookings for this department by selecting them from the Employees table.  Note that you can select any employee as a department approving manager; you are not restricted to employees of the specified department, managers, and so forth.

Security Groups for Department Approving Managers

When establishing which employees are able to approve bookings for a department, you should also consider their security groups.