Workplace Services / Hoteling / Business Process Owner

Defining Approval and Notification Parameters

By running the Define Approval and Notification Parameters task, the business process owner can control whether or not approval is required for booking rooms, how the system notifies users of their bookings, and how it notifies approving managers of items to approve. Note that the approval and notification parameters are set for the application as a whole, and not for specific users, departments, or security groups.

If you define that approval is required by setting the ApprovalRequired option to Yes, be sure to do the following:

If you define that approval is not required by setting the ApprovalRequired option to No, you can skip the others parameters, but you should still review the SendEmailToOccupiers option, as this controls general notifications, not just those pertaining to the approval process.

For each parameter, you can see a brief description of its function.

Approval Parameters

The following options control the approval process:

To ensure that an approving manager reviews a booking within a reasonable time frame and that a booking does not get delayed in an approval queue, you can additionally set the following options. These options specify the approval turn-around time, and the actions that the system should take if an approving manager does not review a booking within this time frame.

Notification Parameter

If you'd like to send an email notification on the status of bookings to the occupiers of booked rooms, set the SendEmailToOccupiers option to Yes. This instructs the system to notify occupiers (whether visitors, other employees, or yourself) on the status of a booking. It sends an email notification to let the occupier know:

Activating this parameter is especially useful when you have users making bookings on behalf of other employees and visitors, as it enables the occupiers to receive the details of the booking that they will be using.