Workplace Services / Hoteling / Business Process Owner

Assigning User Roles to Hoteling Security Groups

To control how different roles within your organization use the hoteling features, you can assign them to the following security groups. To do so, run the System Administration/ARCHIBUS Administrator/Assign Security Groups to User Roles task.

Note: To associate a user with a security group, you assign the user to a role, and then assign roles to security groups. A user can be assigned to only one role, but that role can be assigned to up to 10 security groups. For information on security groups, roles, and users, see ARCHIBUS System Management Help.

The following roles are available. Note that the Hoteling Administration security group has the most flexibility and power when using the application. To provide limited power to a role, assign it the default behavior by not assigning it to a security group; or, assign it to the Hotel Bookings without Approval and/or the Hotel Bookings All Department groups.

Note: If you want a user to be able to book a room with the Hoteling application, be sure that they are a member of the SPAC% or % security groups. This is because some fields in the Buildings table are defined to require review and edit by these security groups.

No Hoteling Security Group

If a user's role is not assigned to a security group, then the user has the default behavior. The user can:

Hoteling Administration Security Group

Roles assigned to this security group have the most flexibility when using the application. These users can:

Note: Users may want to cancel bookings whose date has already passed because they do not want the booking to affect chargeback. For example, suppose a booking was made in error, it was never canceled, and the visitor or employee never used the room. You may want to cancel this booking, even if its date has already passed, so that the department is not charged for it.

Note: It is not logical to assign the Hotel Bookings Without Approval or Hotel Bookings All Departments security groups to a role belonging to the Hoteling Administration group, as all the rights for Hotel Bookings Without Approval and Hotel Bookings All Departments groups already belong to the roles assigned to the Hoteling Administration group.

Hotel Bookings Without Approval Security Group

For sites in which hoteling approval is required (as defined in the Define Approval and Notification Parameters task), you may wish to exempt some roles from the approval process but not grant them all the powers that are available to roles assigned to the Hoteling Administration security group.

For example, you might want to require approval for the majority of roles, but grant executives the right to book rooms without approval. However, you do not want executives to cancel, reject. or review all bookings, as they could if they were part of the Hoteling Administration security group.

If you have elected to not require an approval process, you do not need to add any roles to this security group, as in this case, all roles can book rooms without approval.

Hotel Bookings All Departments Security Group

Users whose roles are in this group do not have the approval and cancellation privileges that are available to roles assigned to the Hoteling Administration security group, but they instead focus on creating and accessing bookings for all departments. These users can: