Space Book Mobile App

While in the field, at an off-site meeting, or in other situations in which they do not have a laptop connected to the ARCHIBUS database, facility managers, department managers, move managers, and others involved in the space use of a building may wish to access floor plans and building data. For example, a facility manager discussing new HVAC equipment with a vendor may need to know the square footage of the boiler room, a move manager at an off-site meeting may need to know the location of vacant rooms, a department manager while commuting may want to check the rooms assigned to their department.

To enable these users to access facility information when they may not have access to a laptop connected to the ARCHIBUS data, ARCHIBUS offers the Space Book mobile app, which provides staff with quick and easy access to key building data and drawings from their tablet or iPad. Additionally, the app offers tasks for conducting paperless space surveys using mobile devices.

Note: Because mobile users work with floor plan drawings that occupy significant screen space, the Space Book mobile app is designed to be used on a tablet and not a smart phone.

Note: The Space Book mobile app works in conjunction with the Web Central Space Inventory & Performance application. Your site should have a license for this Web Central application so that mobile users can access the space inventory developed in Web Central and update it using the Space Book mobile app.

Users working with the Space Book app will find that it has an intuitive interface and messages to walk you through its use. This topic overviews the Space Book mobile app, and has the following sections:

For information on the app's survey features, see Conducting Space Surveys.

Typical Use Scenarios for the Space Book Mobile App

Following are some typical uses of the Space Book mobile application:

The Space Book app works with both transaction-based and non-transaction based room inventory. If you use Space Book with a transaction-based inventory, the data that appears on the mobile device is the data as of the current date (while the server-side transaction data also includes data for past and future dates). If you are using the transaction-based inventory, and if your team uses the Space Book app to make corrections from the field, you may wish to run the Space Inventory & Performance / Space Manager / Transaction Exceptions report. This report shows any future planned transactions, such as moves or space re-allocations, that you should review in the light of this up-to-date information from the field.

Facility Manager: Prepare the Space Inventory for Download

In order to provide the device owner with a complete data set, the facility manager or ARCHIBUS Administrator must prepare the space data for download.

  1. Using the ARCHIBUS Space Inventory & Performance application and the ARCHIBUS Web Central and the Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD programs, develop a complete room inventory (not transaction-based) that includes floor plan drawings with rooms defined.
  2. If you wish to use the Space Book's campus map feature, be sure to develop a site plan by using the Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Building Performance / Set Buildings command in your CAD tool.
  3. Use Web Central or Smart Client to complete the Site Graphic field in the Sites table and the Building Graphics field in the Buildings table. These fields store the bitmaps that appear next to the site and building lists when viewed on the mobile device.
  4. Decide which types of plans you with to make available in the Plan Types list by running Web Central's System Administration / ARCHIBUS System Administration / Mobile Apps Manager / Select Plan Types task.
  5. Use the Smart Client for AutoCAD or DWG Editor to publish enterprise graphics for the floor plans and store these on the Web Central server.Be sure to enable an SVG-type publishing rule that displays layers that contain all the asset types for the types of floor plans (rooms, suites, hazmat, architectural, egress, and so on) that you wish to make available on the mobile device.

Note: When using the Space Book mobile app, the user will have the option to download the floor plan drawings. The system informs the user how many plans it will be downloading. This number is calculated using number of floors multiplied by the number of active plan types.

Facility Manager: Enable Staff to Use the Space Book Mobile App

To enable the Space Book mobile app for users, a facility must do the following for each user:

Device User: Download the Space Inventory to the Mobile Device

To get started using the Space Book app, the device owner must download the inventory data and floor plans to the mobile device using the following actions of the Space Book app:

On the server, floor plan drawings as well as the information for sites, buildings, and floors may change over time as facility managers, space managers, and those working with ARCHIBUS on the network update the facility data. Once device owners initially download the data, they should periodically run the above actions to update the lists and drawings on the device with the latest versions from the server. Similarly, CAD users should periodically publish the drawings as enterprise graphics so that they are available for download.