Building Operations / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager

Defining Procedures, Steps, and Resources

Use the "Define Procedures, Steps, and Resources" task to get started defining your preventive maintenance work by defining general PM procedures, such as cleaning, lubricating, or safety inspecting) the equipment and locations of your facility. You can then assign these general procedures to specific areas and equipment in your site.  

For each procedure, you will define at least one step, and then the resources (trades, parts, and tool types) required to execute the step.

Note: Before getting started, you may wish to review the concepts of PM procedures and their component parts. See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Procedures and Steps

Form Layout

Select this task, and the system presents the following form for defining your PM procedures. Use the Filter section to narrow the list of procedures and toggle between equipment and location procedures. Use the left frame to drill down through procedures, to steps, to assigned resources. The details of these items will display in the right frame.

Use the Add New button to create new procedures, new steps for the selected procedure, or assign resources to the selected step.


image of assignment screen

Viewing Existing Procedures

To see a list of existing procedures, select the Procedure Type (location or equipment) in the top frame, and view the procedures in the bottom left frame. For details on a procedure, click on it and its details display in the right frame. You can also select its assigned steps, and the resources assigned to steps.

Defining a New Procedure

  1. From the Process Navigator, choose this task:
  1. Mouse over the Add New button and choose Procedure from the pop-up box. Complete the below fields:

Note: Be sure to not include quotation marks in the name of your procedure. In the features to suppress schedules, the system lists suppressed schedules with quotation marks. It cannot do so if the procedure's name already includes a quotation mark.

  1. Click Save to save your procedure.

Note: You might have procedures that overlap one another, such as monthly and quarterly inspections. You can identify that one procedure be suppressed – that is, not generate a Work Order – if it overlaps in time with another procedure for the same equipment or location. For information, see Suppressing Overlapping Schedules.

Understanding Steps

Each step of a procedure generates a work request (which, in turn, is housed on a work order).

Therefore, before creating step records, you should decide how you want work requests to be generated for the procedure. For example, if you want to track completion data, costs, and resource assignments of the individual portions of a procedure, create a separate record for each step of the procedure. For example, if a procedure requires that an HVAC technician perform one step and a janitor perform another step, you would establish this procedure as a series of steps, so that you can assign the appropriate trade to each step.

If you do not need to track specific details about each procedure step, you can create a procedure with one step record and use the Instructions memo field to document the exact procedure. You can list the resources required for the entire procedure under this step.

The records of the HQ sample database has example of both methods:

Reviewing the sample data and testing different strategies of documenting your procedures will help you determine a method that works best for your facility.

image of multiple steps for one procedure

Adding Steps to a Procedure

Once you decide on the level of detail for your steps, detail your maintenance procedure with steps, as follows:

  1. From the Define Procedures, Steps, and Resources task, select the procedure for which you want to define a step.
  2. Mouse over the Add New button and choose Step from the pop-up box.
  3. In the right frame, the system displays the fields for defining a new step. Complete these fields:
  1. Click Save to save your step.

Understanding Resources

With preventive maintenance, you know beforehand what your work entails. A procedure for cleaning a floor's carpets is always going to require a janitor, a carpet cleaning machine, and rug shampoo. By taking the time to document a procedure's required resources, you will save time when scheduling the specific craftspersons and tools and issuing the work when it comes due.

For example, supervisors have the option to schedule specific craftspersons and tools for the job. If they choose to do so, they will find that the system filters the available craftspersons and tools according to the trades and tool types that you specify with this task.

To assign resources required for executing a procedure, enter the trades, tool types, and parts and the required quantity. If you have broken down the procedure into multiple steps, you can assign resources for each step. If you created only one step for the entire procedure, assign all resources to that step.

Note that you define general trades and tool types for a procedure, and not specific craftspersons and tools. By assigning general trades and tool types, you do not limit the procedure to specific craftspersons and tools, which may not be available when the procedure is scheduled to be executed. Parts, on the other hand, are tracked at the "specific" level.

Reviewing and Editing a Step's Resources

To review the currently assigned resources or edit these resources, do the following:

  1. From the Process Navigator, choose this task:
  2. In the left pane, use the drill-down features to select the procedure and step; the system displays the step's assigned tool types, trades,and parts in the tree.
  3. Click on any resource displayed in the tree, and the right pane displays its details. As you select different types of resources in the tree, the system toggles you among the Parts, Tool Types, and Trades tabs of the right pane.
  4. For each resource, edit the details as necessary and choose Save to save your changes.

Adding Resources to a Step

To add a resource to a step:

  1. From the Define Procedures, Steps, and Resources task, select the procedure and step to which you want to assign resources.
  2. Mouse over the Add New button and choose Trade, Tool Type, or Part from the context menu.
  3. In the right frame, the system displays the fields for defining the selected resource. Complete these fields, as appropriate for the resource you are adding.
  1. For each resource, click Save to save your assigned resource.

Note: If you choose craftspersons and tools to assign to the work requests that are generated from these steps, you can have the system present only craftspersons and tools of the trades and tool types specified for the step. This filter can speed resource assignment and ensure that the appropriate resources are assigned.

Note: When defining a procedure, you can associate a primary trade with it. However, when choosing the trade for the procedure's steps, you can choose any trade and you are not limited to choosing a trade association with the procedure.

Next Steps