Building Operations / Preventive Maintenance / Management Reports

52 Week PM Work Schedule Reports

This set of reports document the scheduled PM work coming due during for each week during the specified time period -- up to 365 days from the starting date -- according to procedure, equipment, and trade. From the trade reports, you can drill down to directly adjust schedules in order to evenly balance the workload.

Generating the Reports

Load the 52 Week PM Work Schedule task, and the system presents a filter for the schedules it will show. The date range is automatically set to a year time frame, but you can change this if you wish.

The lower left pane present four tabs so that you can view schedules by procedure, equipment, weekly trade, or monthly trade.

To generate a report:

  1. Choose the tab (Procedure, Equipment, Trade Weekly, or Trade Monthly).
  2. Set the filter and click Show.
  1. The first time you move to a new tab, you must set the filter and click the Show button. Once the schedules are initially generated and display on each tab, you can move through the tabs without regenerating the schedules.

If you enter an end date that is less than one year from the start date, the schedule routine calculates due dates until the end date and leaves the remaining time period records blank. For example, if you specify a six month time frame and a procedure is to be executed once a month, the system lists the requirements for the weeks of the first six months; the report displays columns for the weeks of the second six months, but does not list any requirements for these weeks.

The reports use the currently set frequency level for each schedule.

The Procedure and Equipment Reports

The Trade Reports

There are two reports for analyzing work by trade:

If these reports show that there is too much work for a particular trade during a specified week, you can drill down from the reports and modify the underlying schedules so that you can level the workload and disperse the jobs among different days.

Simply click on a cell whose workload you'd like to adjust, and the system presents the Define PM Schedules form, with the current values. Depending on whether your procedure uses fixed or floating scheduling, you'll want to edit different values:

Save your edits and close the Define PM Schedules form. The system returns you to the Trades tab. Choose Recalculate, which reruns the scheduling routine and update the hours on the trade reports.

screen shot of 52-week preventive maintenance work schedule