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Capital Project Management / Project Management
Planning Using the Management Console (Overview)
The Management Console presents an alternate method to accessing the tasks found on the Process Navigator for the Project Management/Plan process.
The following lists the differences between the tasks for the Plan process that are available on the Management Console and on the Process Navigator.
- Use the Management Console - Plan/Edit Work Packages tab to approve or reject work packages, enter the actual dates completed, attach a document, change the Work Package Status, and delete work packages. These capabilities are not found on the Plan Process Navigator task Create Work Packages.
- From the Management Console, when using the Gantt chart to estimate schedules (Schedule Actions tab), you can work with projects having any status. From the Process Navigator task for Estimating Design Schedules, you work with Approved projects only.
- The Plan process on the Process Navigator does not include a task to adjust costs, but you can do so from the Management Console's Plan/Estimate Action Costs.
- From the Plan process, you can assign team members using the Process Navigator task, Assign Team Members. This task is found on the Communicate tab in the Management Console.
The Commissioning Console: Design Phase offers these same tasks for Commissioning projects. See Using the Commissioning Console for the Design Phase.
Management Console - Plan Tasks
The Management Console - Plan task includes the following tabs to help you manage your design process for a selected project:
- Project Profile tab: Review details for the selected project.You cannot edit the project from this tab. To edit project details, use the Plan/ Review Project Profiles task.
- Edit Work Packages tab: A work package is a group of project
actions that vendors can bid on. Use the Edit Work Packages tab to edit existing work packages, to approve or reject work packages, delete work packages or add new work packages.See Edit Work Packages tab.
- Edit Actions: Add new actions, edit existing actions, and apply a template of actions to the project. When you add or edit actions, you can associate the action with a work package by selecting a value for the action's Work Package field. See Edit Actions Tab.
- Edit Actions by Work Package tab:Select a work package to add new actions to it, or edit actions already associated with the work package. You can also apply actions to the work package by selecting from a list of actions for project templates. See Edit Actions by Work Package Tab.
- Schedule Actions tab: If you have entered the Duration - Est. Design (Days) for actions, you can use the Gantt chart to view these actions on a timeline, and to click and drag actions to adjust their schedule. See Management Console Plan - Schedule Actions Tab.
- Estimate Actions Costs tab: Adjust for actions associated with the selected project. View the total design costs for the project, including any adjustments you make. See Estimate Design Costs.
- Documents and Drawings tab: View a list of actions for the project that have associated drawings or documents. Open the file to review its content. See Reviewing Actions with Documents and Drawings.