Workplace Services / Service Desk / Service Desk Manager
Building Operations / On Demand Work / Service Desk Manager
Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Service Desk Manager

Including Approvals for a Service Request Status

You may wish to have the service request be routed for approval at various statuses. For example, you may want to have a service request affecting a certain room approved by a business manager after it is requested.

In the Manage Service Level Agreements screen/Request Parameters tab/Workflow Steps section, the program includes an Add Approval button next to statuses for which approval is an appropriate step. Several steps can require approval, including requesting, completing, and issuing a service request. Approvals can also be required for work requests generated from service requests.

Note: When a service request has the status of Requested, it can be directed to a business manager for editing before approval. If you wish the business manager to be able to edit a service request before approving it, set up an Edit and Approve step instead of an approval step.

Click on the Add Approval button for the status for which you want to add an approval step. A pop-up window will appear so you can specify the approval step parameters:

  1. You must specify the Approval Type. The possible Approval Types depend on the status for which you are adding an Approval Step. For example:
  2. You may optionally specify a condition that a request must meet in order to need the approval step. For example, all requests for a specific building or all requests for which the estimated cost exceeds a specified dollar amount could be tagged to need approval. If you do not specify a condition, all requests will be sent to the approver, specified below.
  3. You must specify who must give the approval. Choose from one of the following:

Note: For each status, multiple approval steps can be defined. If you have multiple approvals, the system executes them in the order that they are listed on the form. For example, if you specify on the form that a service request needs facility approval and manager approval (in this order), the system first routes the request to the specified party for facility approval. If the request is approved, the system routes it to the party specified for manager approval.

Making Modifications

The system displays Approval Steps next to their request status.


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