Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Room Inventory - Set Up & Manage (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Space Manager (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Personnel & Occupancy / Background Data (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Space Personnel & Occupancy/ Space Manager (Transactional)

Workspace Transaction Exceptions report

With an inventory of rooms that may run into the thousands, the ability to make changes to the inventory in many different ways, and data feeds coming from multiple sources, it may be possible for the room inventory data to become out-of-synch or incorrect.

Space managers and inventory managers can use this report to identify and correct errors in their room inventory.This report both lists and highlights all exceptions that may occur in the Workspace Transactions table. The possible room inventory errors that can occur are:

The report identifies two types of problems:

Once you review your exceptions, you can correct them directly from this task using the task's buttons.

Tip: To avoid the problems that this report can list, follow these two "best practice" suggestions:
1. Make sure that each room has a room category.
2. Assign employees only to occupiable rooms.

When to Run this Report

You will periodically want to run this report to see workspace transactions that are not correctly established to reflect an accurate inventory. For example, you may wish to run this report after:

Best practices call for running this task and resolving any discrepancies before each time that you run the Update Area Totals task, which calculates the data that is then presented by many reports. Before calculating your area totals, you will want to identify and correct the following situations:

Running the Update Area Totals task generates allocation data. After you generate this data, use this report to see your over-allocated and under-allocated rooms. You can then adjust your inventory accordingly.


To see a list of workspace transaction exceptions:

  1. On the Process Navigator, choose the Workspace Transaction Exceptions task.
  2. The system loads the Workspace Transaction Exceptions tab.
  3. In the filter, choose the type of exception (as listed above) that you wish to review. You can further limit these exceptions to a particular building or floor by setting these filter options.
  4. The system displays the exceptions, if any.
  5. Review the exceptions and decide how to correct the situation.
  6. For your convenience, directly from this view you can correct the situation by running these options:
  1. If you'd like to see a graphical depiction of the rooms with exceptions, move to the Highlight Workspace Transaction Exception tab. You will need to reset the filter once you move to this tab.

If you wish to graphically see the rooms that have exceptions:

  1. On the Process Navigator, choose the Workspace Transaction Exceptions task.
  2. Move to the Highlight Workspace Transaction Exceptions tab.
  3. In the filter at the top of the screen, choose the type of exception (as listed above) that you wish to review. You can further limit the options that will display in the tree console on the left by choosing a particular building or floor in the filter.
  4. In the tree console in the left, choose the floor for which you'd like to see a floor plan that highlights rooms containing exceptions. Note that the tree view lists only those floors whose rooms have exceptions.
  5. The system presents the floor plan and highlights the rooms with the specified type of exception. Review the exceptions and decide how to correct the situation.
  6. For your convenience, directly from this view you can choose to: