The Synchronize Shared Rooms task makes sure that for each room record, there is at least one matching room percentage record. In other words, if a room record does not have a corresponding room percentage record, the action creates a new room percentage record, with the same primary key and Department Code, Division Code, Room Category, Room Type and Prorate values as of the master room record.
In effect, the room percentage record is an exact copy of the master room record, with additional percentage fields -- Percentage of Space, Percentage of Time -- set to values of 100%.
This task provides an initial starting point for each room; next, you can use the Allocate Percentages task to specify how a room's space and time is allocated, creating additional records in the Room Percentages table as necessary.
This task is useful when you are first starting to track room percentages, and you have a Rooms table, but no room percentage records. Rather than manually creating a room percentage record for each room, call this action to have the program automatically generate records in the Room Percentages table.
You can also run this action if you have created a series of rooms and want to synchronize the Rooms and Room Percentages tables. Note that this action does not create new percentage records for rooms that already have percentage records.
If a room has only one assigned room percentage record, it is logical that the room percentage record should have the same department, division, type, category, area, and proration as its owning room. If you edit this data for a room that is assigned a single room percentage record, use this action to update the assigned room percentage record with the changes.
Note: If your site runs this task and also uses the Hoteling application, you may produce inconsistent data. See Hoteling/Management Reports/Over-allocated and Under-allocated Rooms