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Environmental & Risk Management / EH&S / Track / Track Incidents task
Entering Incident Details
A safety manager typically enters the details of an incident. Entering as much information as possible is beneficial because it allows you to search and review incidents in a variety ways at a later date.
Note: An Incident record documents the required follow-up , , and , for an individual person. If multiple people are involved in a workplace mishap, you create a separate incident record for each person and group the incidents together using the Group Incident Code field.For information, see Copy Incident Data to a New Incident Record.
To enter details about an incident.
- Run the Track Incidents task and complete the fields on the first tab, Incident Details, with the below information.
- Date of Incident -- The system automatically completes this with the current system date. If you are recording an incident that occurred in the past, you can edit this value.
- Time of Incident
- Affected Employee -- Choose a value from the existing list of employees. If the affected person is not an employee, complete either Affected Non-Employee Name or Non-Employee Contact Code. See Incident Information for a Non-Employee.
- Incident Type -- Choose a category to describe the incident, such as fall, burn, or collision.
- Reported By/Recorded By -- The system will automatically complete these fields with the current user. If you became aware of this incident from another source, enter this in Reported By.
- Responsible Manager -- From the list of employees, choose the manager that is responsible for the employee involved in the incident.
- Safety Officer -- From the list of employees, choose the responsible for this building, property, or site. If you leave this field empty, the system will automatically complete it with the safety officer defined for the entered location. (The application will search for safety officers whose the site, property, or building value matches the one entered in the form. It will enter the first match it finds.)
- Injury Category Code
- Injury Area Code
- Chemical / Substance Name
- Activity before Injury -- Describe the party's activity immediately before the incident occurred. The more details that you enter, the more valuable the incident report will be.
- Incident Description -- Enter as much additional information about the incident as you know.
- Click Save to save your information. You may now:
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