Workplace Services / Reservations

Defining General Resources

You use the Define Resources task to define all resources other than fixed resources.Fixed resources are resources that are part of a room arrangement, and can only be reserved with the room arrangement.

When defining a resource, you are specifying values for many variables. Most importantly, you are defining the Resource Type value (see Resource Types section below). You are also defining the resource in terms of the resource standards that you have already defined. For more information on defining resource standards, see the Define Resource Standards topic. You are also defining whether a resource reservation can be made separately from a room reservation by using the Create New Resource Reservation view.

You can use the Define Fixed Resources task to define fixed resources, which are always associated with a particular room arrangement, such as a projection screen. For more information, see the Define Fixed Resources topic.

Resource Types

When you define a resource, you are defining one of three resource types: unique, limited, or unlimited.

Room Service Available Variable

It is important to note that in order for a resource to appear in the Create New Resource Reservation view, the Room Service Available variable must be set to Yes. This will allow the resource to be reserved separately from a room reservation or together with a room reservation. If this variable is set to No, then the resource can only be reserved together with a room reservation.

If you want to reserve a particular resource separately from a room reservation, you use the Create New Resource Reservation view. If you want to reserve a resource together with a room reservation, you use the Create Room Reservation view and then add resources to the room reservation.

Restriction Variables

The restriction variables specified in the Resources table, such as Cancellation # of Days Ahead, specify restrictions for most users (including the AFM user). For example, the Cancellation # of Days Ahead restriction specifies that the resource reservation can be canceled before a certain number of days ahead of the meeting.

Note: The Reservation Manager does not have any of these reservation restrictions, and the Reservation Service Desk role does not have most of these restrictions. For detailed information on the restrictions placed on each role, see the Understanding User Roles topic.

The following are restriction variables that are defined for resources. These variables are described in the Resources Table section below.

Resources Table

The following fields in the Resources table should be defined.



Resource Code

Specify a unique code for available resource

Resource Name

Specify a unique name for resource

Resource Standard

Select a resource standard from select list

Resource Type

Select a resource type. See the Resource Types section above.

Site/Building Code

The Site Code values is already displayed based on the selection in the Site view in the left frame. The Building Code can be altered as necessary.


Select Yes to define the resource as reservable

Requires Approval?


Select Yes if a reservation for this resource requires approval

Room Service Available?

Specify whether this resource can be reserved separately from a room reservation, i.e. in the Create New Resource Reservation view.

Note: This variable must be defined as Yes in order for this resource to appear in the Create New Resource Reservation view


Quantity of resources available (applies to limited resources only)

Default Cost Calculation Rule

Note: This field is not used in the current Reservations application software release.

Pre-block (minutes)

Specify the amount of time to allow for setup tasks.

Note: The Pre-block value must correspond with the MinutesTimeUnit parameter specified in the Manage Reservations/Configure Parameters task. For example, if the MinutesTimeUnit is set to 10, then the Pre-block value must be in units of 10, such as 10, 20, 30, etc. For more information, see the Configuring Parameters topic.

Post-block (minutes)

Specify the amount of time to allow for cleanup tasks. See Note for Pre-Block above.

Time Day Starts

Resource is available after the time you specify

Time Day Ends

Resource is not available after the time you specify

Maximum Days Ahead

Maximum number of days ahead this resource can be reserved

Available for Group

If this field is not blank, then this resource can only be reserved by members of this security group.

Room Service Security Group

If this field is not blank, then only members of this security group can reserve this resource for room service.

Announcement # of Days Ahead

Minimum number of days ahead resource must be reserved

Announcement Time

If reserving on the last possible day to reserve, the time of day that the reservation must be made by

Cancellation # of Days Ahead

Minimum number of days ahead that a reservation for this resource can be canceled

Cancellation - Latest Time

If canceling on the last possible day to cancel, the time of day that the reservation must be canceled by

Unit to Cost by

Select how to charge for the reservation, i.e. by reservation or by day/time interval

Cost per Unit

Specify the cost for the unit defined in the Unit to Cost by field

% of Cost Charged for Late Cancellations

Specify the late fee for cancellations made after the day specified by the Cancellation # of Days Ahead value

Image Document

Browse to an image of the resource

Group Allowed to Approve

A reservation for this resource can only be approved by members of this security group. Note: The Reservation Manager role can approve any reservation. The Reservation Service Desk role can approve the reservation if no other Group Allowed to Approve value has been set. Otherwise, only people who belong to the group selected in the Group Allowed to Approve field can approve the reservation.

# of Days to Approve

The minimum days before the reservation date that this resource must be approved

Equipment Code

If Equipment Codes are defined, specify Equipment Code for resource (for unique resources only)


To define a resource:

  1. Select the Develop Background Data/Define Resources task in the Process Navigator.

    The Sites and Resources views appear.
  2. Select a value in the Sites list to view the resources that have already been developed for this site.
  3. Click the Add New button at the bottom of the right frame.
  4. Enter values for the table fields, which are described in the table above. Make sure to enter values for all required fields, which are marked with a red asterisk (*).
  5. After completing the table, click the Save button to save your changes. This resource data is saved to the Resources table.
  6. Continue to add additional resources as necessary.