Workplace Services / Reservations

Users and the Reservations Application

Before using the Reservations application, you have to ensure that the user information and email addresses are up-to-date in the Employees table, Users table, and Visitors table. This is important because you need to make sure that all Reservations users are able to log into ARCHIBUS and that they will receive the correct Reservations email notifications. In addition, you need to make sure that your Vendors and Trades data is up to date to allow for work requests.

Entering User Data

You can develop the Employees, Users, Visitors, Trades, and Vendors tables using the Reservations application. You can synchronize your updated User data with your Employee data.

For information on adding user data, see the following topics:

Entering Employees Data

Entering Users Data

Synchronizing Users and Employees

After adding new users, make sure to assign the users the processes specific to their Reservations roles. For more information, see Assigning Processes to Users.

User Emails

Email notifications are sent at various stages throughout the reservation process. The Requested By employee, Requested For employee, invited internal employees, and invited external guests (visitors) are sent an email notification after a room reservation has been made. They are also sent email notifications if there is a change in the reservation or if the reservation is canceled.

Make sure to include employees and contractors in the Users, Visitors, and Employees tables. For more information on email notifications, see the Understanding Email Notifications topic.

Notifying New Users of their User IDs and Passwords

After adding new users to the Users and Employees tables, it is important to send emails to the new users. The email should include the new user's Web Central User ID and Password.