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Workplace Services / Hoteling
Approving Bookings
As an approving manager,you can run the Approve Bookings task to see a list of bookings that you must review. The bookings in your queue will be those that:
Configuration options that your site has implemented control important features of the approval process:
- In addition to running this task to see the bookings that you must approve, your site may have established an email notification system to notify you when bookings are in your queue.
- As an approving manager, you should try to review bookings as soon as possible. Business process owners at your site may configure the application so that you must review a booking within a specified time frame. If you fail to reject or approve the booking within this time frame, the system can notify another employee, typically a staff member who oversees the entire hoteling system and is a member of the Hotel Administration security group.
- If your site has configured the system to use the notification features, the employees and visitors scheduled to use the booking will receive email notification that the booking has been approved or rejected.
To approve or reject a booking:
- Run the Approve Bookings task.
- To see all bookings requiring your review, select Show. To limit the list, set a filter in the top frame, and then choose Show.
Note: When completing the search console, you can change the Division and Department Code fields only if you are a member of the HOTEL BOOKINGS ALL DEPARTMENTS or HOTELING ADMINISTRATION security groups. If you are not a member of these groups, the system completes these fields with your departmental assignment and makes them uneditable.
- The system presents the bookings for you to review in the bottom frame.
- Review bookings by scanning their properties, accessing the Details box and floor plan drawing for more information.
- Once you determine the bookings that you want to approve, select one or more bookings by clicking on their check boxes. Choose Approve Selected in the upper right corner
- Once you determine the bookings that you want to reject, select one or more bookings by clicking on their check boxes. Choose Reject Selected in the upper right corner
To approve or reject a booking in a recurring pattern:
Users may create such as booking a seat for the first Monday of each month. You can approve or reject the booking request that defines the recurring pattern, which in turn will approve or cancel all individual bookings. Or, you can approve or reject a select set of the recurring bookings.
For example, suppose a user booked a seat for the first Monday of each month for the upcoming year, and the system accordingly generated 12 booking records. If the user will be on vacation for one of these Mondays, you can reject only this booking.
- Run the Approve Bookings task.
- To see all bookings requiring your review, select Show. To limit the list, set a filter in the top frame, and then choose Show
- In the lower pane, the system displays the booking requests that meet your search criteria and require your approval.
- Find the request for a recurring booking; its Booking Type value will state Recurring.
- To approve the entire set of bookings, select this record and choose Approve Selected in the upper right corner. Similarly, to reject the entire set of bookings, select this record and choose Reject Selected in the upper right corner
- To approve or reject a set of bookings of the recurring pattern, choose the Details button. The system will present a form listing all the bookings for this pattern. Select the bookings you wish to approve or reject and choose Approve Selected or Reject Selected. The system closes the Details form and returns you to the Approve Bookings form.
- All individual bookings must be approved or rejected before the booking request is approved or rejected.