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Waste Management - Review: Process Overview
Proper handling of you waste depends on meeting regulatory requirements for storage deadlines and quantity limits. Furthermore, it is critically important to document details for your waste shipping and disposal. You also need labels for your containers that meet regulatory requirements, and hard copies of manifests that must accompany your waste.
The Waste Management's Review process includes a variety of reports that help you keep on top of critical deadlines, print labels and manifests and provide details for your waste as it passes through your waste management system.
The Waste Management Review process includes the following reports:
- Waste Accumulation Reports - These reports enable you to track the waste you are storing in satellite accumulation areas to ensure that this waste is maintained as required. For hazardous waste, the report includes color-coded highlights to warn you of critical deadlines and quantity limits.
- Waste Storage Reports - These reports enable you to track waste that is stored in either centralized areas or in tanks. For hazardous waste, the report includes color-coded alerts that warn you of critical deadlines.
- Waste Disposition Reports - Disposition reports include reports for discharged, shipped and recently shipped or discharged waste. They enable you to document how you have disposed of your waste and to track and manage waste by its disposition.
- Waste Details Reports - These reports enable you to review and assess how you are managing your waste by waste profiles, and to print container labels for both hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
- Waste Manifest Report - This report enables you to review manifest details, and to print a single or multiple manifests.
- Waste Management Reports - Management reports provide a high-level view of your waste management program. They provide totals for waste amounts by the unit type used to measure the waste - mass, volume-liquid, and volume-gas. These reports include the Waste Management Map that provides a graphical view of your sites or storage areas highlighted by the criteria you select.