The Service Desk Manager defines and reviews Service Level Agreements that control preventive maintenance work orders. Once the system generates preventive maintenance work requests, it matches the work requests to defined SLAs and then adds the appropriate information from the SLA to the work request. For example, an SLA can govern such information as the enforcement of the due dates, the automatic issuing work orders, and the assignment of work to work teams, craftspersons, and supervisors.
From the Process Navigator, select the Manage Service Level Agreements task to access a wizard for creating or editing a preventive maintenance SLA.
Note: The role of the Service Desk Manager in the Preventive Maintenance application is optional. If your site does not have specific craftspersons for a task, if you do not want to enforce escalations in the time that work should be completed, or if you do not have different supervisors and work teams for different PM procedures, then you do not need to set up service level agreements.
Note: This topic covers the basic procedure for SLAs for the Preventive Maintenance application. The SLA creation procedure for the On Demand and Service Desk applications is covered in Defining Service Level Agreements.
Note: Although both the Preventive Maintenance and On Demand Work applications use SLAs, SLAs for preventive maintenance should be defined and edited using the tasks of the Preventive Maintenance application. Do not edit an SLA for preventive maintenance from the tasks of the On Demand Work application.
Understanding Service Level Agreements (SLAs)