Workplace Services / Reservations

Using the Reservation Timeline

The reservation timeline is a tool for booking reservations of rooms and resources, such as equipment and services. You first use the restriction console to specify your search criteria. After conducting your search, you can review the available room arrangements or resources in the timeline. You can then book a room arrangement or resource that is available when you need it.

The time zone for the meeting is the time zone for the building selected for the meeting.

Reservation Timeline

Note: The following image shows room reservations, but is also applicable to resource reservations for equipment and services.

The reservation time line appears as below:

image showing timeline features

Progress Bar

When a reservation is made, if you have configured Exchange integration, the application checks attendee or resource availability from Exchange. When creating recurring reservations for rooms and resources, if there are many dates into the future, this can take some time. For this reason, a progress bar is shown on the timelines in the Create New Room Reservation and Create New Resource Reservation views to help you assess how long the availability checking will take.

To avoid performance issues, an application parameter (AbWorkplaceReservations-MaxRecurrencesToCheckFreeBusy) limits the number of dates that can be checked for attendee availability. By default, this is set to ten, but your application administrator can adjust this as needed. See Configuring Parameters for the Reservations Application.

Creating a Reservation

While you are creating a reservation, note the following:

Reviewing and Editing Existing Reservations

Note the following about existing reservations: