Workplace Services / Reservations

View and Edit Reservations

You can select a single room reservation for editing from the View and Edit My Reservations task. This task includes a filter to quickly find a specific reservation. This topic covers editing single reservations. For information on editing recurring reservations, see Edit Recurring Reservations.

You can view or edit:

You can update both reservations originally made in Outlook using the ARCHIBUS Plugin for Outlook, or reservations made in Web Central. In both cases, the room should have a link to Exchange. If there is no link available, there will be no interaction with Exchange

You can also copy room or resource reservations to create a new reservation. This can be a quick way to change the date for a single reservation. See Copying a Room or Resource Reservation.

If you need to cancel a room or resource reservation, see Canceling Single Room or Resource Reservations, or Canceling Multiple Reservations - Reservation Manager.

You might be restricted from editing reservations based on:

How Web Central reservations and Outlook Meetings are synchronized

The changes you make in Web Central affect Outlook meetings differently depending on whether you have enabled Exchange integration.

With Exchange integration:

No Exchange integration:

If you have installed the ARCHIBUS Plugin for Outlook, but have not enabled Exchange integration, the changes you make in Web Central do not directly affect the meeting in Outlook.

Instead, the following occurs:

  1. When you open the meeting in Outlook after having changed the time or date of the reservation in Web Central, you get a warning that the Web Central reservation no longer matches the meeting times.

    Note: If you have changed only the location, you do not get this warning.

  2. From the warning dialog, you can choose to update the meeting to match the reservation.

    If you choose to update, the meeting date/time and the location are all updated to match the reservation.

Editing Room and/or Resource Reservations

This topic describes editing regular (single) and recurring (multiple) reservations. For additional information on recurring reservations, see Editing Recurring Reservations.

  1. From the Process Navigator's Reserve Rooms and/or Resources process, select the View and/or Edit My Reservations task.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Enter search criteria to narrow your search results. For example, enter a date in the From field to view all room and resource reservations for a given date. To see all occurrences of a recurring reservation, you could enter the location, enter the date for the first meeting in the From field, and leave the To date blank.
  4. Click Show.

    The list shows reservations that you made or that the Reservations Manager made for you, and that match the criteria you entered. Each occurrence of a recurring reservation is shown separately in the list. Notice that recurring reservations have the Recurrence Type 'Recurring' so that you can identify them.

  5. Locate the reservation that you want to edit. If you want to confirm the changes you make, note the Reservation Code to reference later.
  6. Click the Edit button in the row for the reservation.

    The Edit Room Reservation (Reservation Code) or Edit Resource Reservation (Reservation Code) form appears. The date and From and To times appear in the filter.

  7. Edit the Room, as needed. For example, select the radio button for a new room arrangement for your room reservation, or edit the time that you need the room. See Using the Timeline for details.
    1. If you select a new room or time period, the system checks if previously selected resources are still available for the new conditions.If the resources are not available, the timeline for the resource has an alert button that says "Selection changed." Mouse over this icon to see which items have been automatically removed.. To include this resource, you will need to change the time.
  8. In the Attendees pane, you can
  9. In the Equipment and Service pane, you can:
    1. Remove equipment and services by clearing the check box next to the resource.
    2. Add equipment and services by clicking Choose, entering a quantity, and clicking Close after selecting all additional resources.
    3. If needed, adjust the time for resources by clicking and dragging on their timelines.
  10. In the Catering pane, you can:
  11. When you have made all your changes, click Confirm Reservation.

    The Confirm Reservation form appears.

  12. Review the reservation, and enter a subject line for the email that will notify attendees of the changes.
  13. Optionally, enter comments that will appear in the body of the email, or enter additional email addresses as needed, separating the email addresses with a semicolon.
  14. Click Submit

    Email notifications are sent:

    If the corresponding Exchange meeting is not found, the Reservation Application creates a new instance of the meeting in Exchange and instructs Exchange to send new invitations to the attendees.

    The My Room Reservations or My Resource Reservations tab appears, depending on which you were editing.