When reviewing the data in the tabs at the bottom of the Space Console, you may find that you need to make a change. Each of the tabs includes a pencil-shaped icon for accessing an edit form which lists the current values for an item. You can edit these values as necessary.
For example, clicking on the pencil-shaped icon for ACCESSORIES, presents a form for editing this information.
For details on completing the forms, see:
Follow the above procedure and on step 5, choose the Delete button on the form. Any items assigned to this value, will be updated to a null value. For example, delete a department and the rooms and employees assigned to this department will be updated to have no value for department.
If you delete a division, all component departments for this division will also be deleted. Similarly, if you delete a room category, all component room types for this room category will also be deleted.
Much of that data that you can edit in the forms is also reflected in the labels and highlights of the floor plans. For example, a floor plan can display each room's employees, department, division, and room category as labels or highlights. If you have a floor plan loaded and you use a form to edit or delete data that is reflected in the floor plan, the floor plan will reflect the change only after you do one of the following:
Therefore, you may prefer to make the following types of edits from the floor plan so that the floor plan immediately reflects your change:
You can use the edit forms to change information that is not reflected on the floor plan, such as Division Head, Department Head, Department Name, Description, Room Name, Employee Email, Employee Telephone, and so on.
For information on making changes using the floor plan, see:
Change a Room's Category or Type Assignment
Change a Room's Division or Department Assignment
Select Rooms on the Floor Plan and Change their Properties
Select Rooms on the Floor Plan and Change the Properties of Occupying Employees