Asset Management / Asset Portal / Furniture

Furniture Process Overview

With the Furniture process, you can develop a furniture standards inventory or a tagged furniture inventory, and can make key furniture data viewable over the Web from both Web Central and the Smart Client. This data can include furniture standards, and furniture details, such as the division, department, and employee using the furniture, the furniture location, and the furniture status and use. See Choosing a Furniture Inventory Method.

You can also optionally choose to represent your furniture in CAD floor plan drawings. This enables you to graphically see the locations of your furniture items and enables users servicing these items to know exactly where they are located on the floor. For a discussion of when to develop an alphanumeric-only inventory and when to develop a CAD-based inventory, see Getting Started with Asset Management.

Those users with appropriate access can also edit key equipment information.

Procedure for Creating a Furniture Standards or Tagged Furniture Inventory

  1. Develop basic information about the types of furniture in your facility by competing running the Define Furniture Standards task of the Background Data process.
  2. Develop your tagged furniture or furniture standards inventory. There are a few methods:
  1. Review and analyze your tagged furniture and furniture standards inventory data Furniture Standard Inventory reports and Tagged Furniture Inventory reports.
  2. Once you develop a furniture inventory, you can add cost information and calculate depreciation for it using the Depreciation process. See Depreciation Process Overview.