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Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD
Asset Management / Asset Portal / Furniture
Draw Furniture Standards
As part of the Furniture process, your site can choose to document their with a furniture plan, in which furniture is represented on CAD floor plan drawings. To create a furniture plan, a CAD specialist needs to add furniture asset symbols to the existing floor plan drawings.
Typically, someone at your site will have already defined furniture standards and other background data about the facility. The CAD specialist should have previously defined furniture blocks and developed a CAD room plan.
A Furniture Standards Inventory is represented on the Furniture Standards Inventory (FN)
asset layer and is registered to the Furniture Standards Inventory (FN) table.
- On the Process Navigator in CAD or in ARCHIBUS Smart Client, move to Asset Management/Asset Portal/Furniture.
- If you are working in Smart Client and CAD is not active, select the Draw Furniture Standards task. The task presents the Drawing List
so that you can choose a drawing to work on. Choose the drawing, and ARCHIBUS loads your CAD tool, displays the selected drawing, and makes CAD the active application.
- In CAD, open a drawing (if necessary).
- Prepare the drawing for working with a furniture standards inventory by choosing Set Furniture Standards on the Process Navigator.
- Depict the floor's furniture standards inventory by inserting furniture blocks. There are several methods. For your convenience, commands for these methods are listed on the Process Navigator.
- Insert an instance of a drawing representing your furniture items by choosing Insert Block from the Process Navigator. Browse to find your block drawing, and then position your block.
- You can a furniture standard. Choose Insert Asset from the Process Navigator and then choose a standard from the resulting list. Choose a position for your block, and the command inserts it and displays its standard as asset text. Since the
Furniture Standards Inventory asset type is , as soon as you insert a standard, the program
generates an auto-numbered record in the Furniture Standards Inventory table.
- If Furniture Standards Inventory records already exist in the database and you now want to generate asset symbols for these records, you can the drawing with furniture blocks. Choose the Populate Furniture Standards to Rooms task on the Process Navigator. Based on the database information, the system will add the blocks to the appropriate rooms, assign them intelligence, and convert them to asset symbols. If you use this method, you can skip step 6 below. Once the system generates them, you will want to position your furniture asset symbols within the room boundary.
- As necessary, the furniture asset symbols. You can complete the following fields:
- Building Code/Floor Code -- The program may have already completed these with values from the drawing's default space hierarchy values. If not, you may select from the available values by choosing the ellipses button.
- Room Code -- Enter the room in which the furniture item is located by typing the room number or choosing the room from the ellipses button.
- Furniture Standard -- If you asset inserted your furniture item, the block will have a standard. If you used the Insert Block command, you will need to complete the standard.
- Division Code/Department Code -- Enter the division and department that uses this furniture item. You can type values or choose values from the validating list accessed through the ellipses buttons. If you wish, you can these values from the room asset symbol in which the equipment asset symbols are located by choosing the Infer command from the Process Navigator.
- Auto-numbered ID -- The system will automatically complete this field when it creates the asset symbol. This value is used by the system to uniquely identify this item.
- So that your furniture plan can be viewed using ARCHIBUS Web Central or Smart Client, publish your drawing as an by running the Publish Enterprise Graphics command, which is located on the Process Navigator for your convenience.
- If you like, run the Furniture Standards Inventory Counts reports by:
- Standard
- Building
- Floor
- Room
- Department
- Department by Building
See Also
Furniture process
Define Furniture Standards
Adding Blocks to Floor Plan Drawings
Creating Asset Symbols by Asset Inserting
Creating Asset Symbols by Populating