Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Room Inventory (Non-Transactional)

Room Inventory Process (Non-Transactional)

Note: This topic, and topics that link from it, document the nontransaction-based Space features. If you have not enabled workspace transactions, your Process Navigator will include the non-transactional Space processes, such as Room Inventory. As you work with the Space documentation, be sure to check the first line of the topic (in blue text) to be verify if the topic pertains to the non-transactional or transactional method.

You can document your rooms using one of the following methods:

Minimally, you develop rooms to associate them with departments so that you can calculate total departmental areas. Once departmental rooms are inventoried, you can document common areas not belonging to any specific department, either in the room plan or with a record in the room list. These common areas can then be proportionately assessed to the department occupying rooms on the floor, within the building, or within the site by running a chargeback routine.

Note: Once you develop your room inventory with department assignments, you can charge departments for the space that they use. See Chargeback Overview.


The basic procedure is:

  1. Pre-requisite: A business process owner defines the space hierarchy and organization hierarchy using the Define Locations task and the Define Organizations task.
  2. Pre-requisite: A facilities or space manager gets started with a CAD-based space inventory by developing each floor's gross areas, service areas, and vertical penetration areas, which generates building performance data.
  3. A space manager or facility manager defines the room standards used in your facility.
  4. A space manager or facility manager defines the room categories and types used in your facility.
  5. If you plan to query your floor plan drawings by highlighting rooms by their standard, category, or type, you can run the Set Hatches tasks.
  6. You now develop the room inventory, using these methods:
  1. A space manager or facility manager runs the Update Area Totals action which totals departmental areas and generates other statistics.
  2. A facility manager or space manager reviews the inventory reports.
  3. Since rooms can be assigned to departments, department managers can analyze the space their departments are using by running the Space Inventory & Performance/Department Manager reports.
  4. A space manager analyzes remaining area and other and other departmental analyses by running the Space Inventory & Performance/Space Manager reports.
  5. Once the inventory is developed, a space manager must maintain it as changes occur in the organization. For example, departments might reorganize and require more space or rooms may re-categorized, such as a conference room being converted to offices. Space Managers can use these methods to maintain the inventory:

See Also

Comparing Room Lists and Room Plans

Including Both Groups and Rooms in a Space Inventory

Open Plans and Workstations