Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction

Construction Overview

During the Design process, the commissioning agent and design professionals develop design submissions in accordance with the Owner's Project Requirements. This typically involves a process of review and revisions over multiple drafts. Once these submissions are approved using the Approve Documentation action, they can be used as construction checklists or test procedures during the Construction phase.

The Commissioning application automates the generation of assessment items and facilitates the assignment of these items to commissioning agents. The commissioning agent can upload the construction checklist containing their field notes so that it is available for all stakeholders. If using the ARCHIBUS Assessment mobile app, the commissioning agent can update the construction checklist using their smart phone.

The building owner or the owner's representative can enter their approval indicating that the documentation is complete, and the construction project manager can verify the completion. The Project Close-Out Report provides a summary view of all work packages. From this view, you can assess which projects have complete documentation, which projects have been approved, and which are verified, as well as those projects that are not on schedule.

Project Manager: During the Construction process, the project manager uses the Manage Construction Checklists task to:

  1. Generate action items for the equipment to be assessed.
  2. Assign a Construction Checklist or Test Procedures to Multiple Equipment Items
  3. Assign Assessment Items to the Commissioning Agent

Commissioning Agent: The Commissioning Agent performs the following tasks:

  1. Reviews and prints the Construction Checklist. The commissioning agent can save the checklist locally, and can print the checklist if a hard copy is needed to perform the assessment.
  2. Checks In a new version of the checklist. The commissioning agent can take the hard-copy checklist and check off actions that meet the specification. Once this is done the agent can scan the revised document and check it in a new version.
  3. Edits assessment items. The commission agent works with the general contractor in the field to review commissioning assessment items, and then to update the Construction Checklist document for each piece of equipment. Optionally, if using the ARCHIBUS Assessment mobile app, the commissioning agent can sync their mobile device and receive a list of items to asses on their smart phone. When through, they can upload notes to the ARCHIBUS database.
  4. Updates multiple items with the same values. Optionally, to facilitate data entry, the commissioning agent can select assessment items, and then enter values that are used to update each of the selected records.

Construction Project Manager: The Construction Project Manager uses the following reports to track and manage the project:

Project Manager, Commissioning Agent, and Building Occupant: Finally, the project manager, commissioning agent, and building occupant use the Commissioning Project Close-Out task to evaluate project completion, and to update work package status and action items details to reflect the current state of the commissioning work. See Commissioning Project Close-Out.