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Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Health & Safety / Facilities - Background Data
Defining Background Data about your Facility
As a business process owner, you are responsible for maintaining the basic data about the facility by working with the following tasks. If your site uses other ARCHIBUS applications, you may find that you have already created this data.
- Define Geographic Locations
- Define Properties -- If you are using the applications of the Real Estate Portfolio Management domain, you may have already developed properties (land or structure with associated buildings, costs, parcels, taxes, and assets). If so, you can associate waste with these properties. If you have not yet defined properties, you can do so with this task. However, it is not essential that you develop properties; you can also associate EH&S issues with your sites. Developing properties enables you to run reports that summarize your EH&S data by property.
- Define Locations (Sites, Buildings, Floors)
- Define Rooms
- If you wish to graphically show on floor plan drawings the locations of health and safety incidents, you can create a room plan in CAD. For information, see CAD User: Overview.
To document the equipment in your facility:
To document the employees in your company:
Vendors and contacts:
- To document the agencies and companies with which you have contact in managing your EH&S, run Define Contacts. Note that when safety managers and occasional users enter health and safety incidents involving non-company employees (such as a visiting inspector or a contract craftsperson) the system enables them to choose parties listed in the Contacts table.
- Similarly, you may work with vendors which run your site's training programs. You can enter these vendors with the Define Vendors task.
Some background data tasks use a drill-down selection list to present the levels of location and geographic data. For information, see Using Drill-Down Selection Lists.
When editing existing data, you can use the filter console, located at the top of the view, to limit the display of the locations to only those containing the value you enter in the filter console. For information on the filter console, see Using Filter Consoles.