Environmental & Risk Management / EH&S / Track / Track Employee Medical Monitoring task

Tracking Medical Monitoring for Individual Employees

Your safety practices may call for routinely conducting medical monitoring events for an employee (such as a yearly physical) or doing so on a one-time basis (such as a response to a workplace incident, or a one-time flu shot offered at the workplace).

With the Track Employee Medical Monitoring task, you can:

Note: If the NotifyMedicalMonitoring parameter is set to YES in Application Parameter background data, the employee will be sent notifications via email when a Medical Monitoring is scheduled or when a monitoring date changes.

To view an employee's medical monitoring:

You may need to check all medical monitoring events for an employee. This includes incident-based events, one-time events, recurring events, those assigned via work category, and those individually entered. Perhaps a new one-time event can be combined with an upcoming routine event.

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Track Employee Medical Monitoring.
  2. In the Filter pane, select the name of the employee and click Show.
  3. A list of medical monitoring instances assigned to the employee is displayed in the middle pane. Note that a recurring monitoring has multiple instances.The view shows both upcoming events, and those whose date has passed.

  4. To see the details of any of these events, click on the event. The system displays the details in the bottom pane.

To update medical monitoring events with the results of the medical exams:

After the employee attends the medical appointment, the Safety Manager will want to record any important comments or observations from the medical professional. This type of documentation can be important for complying with workplace regulations or providing an audit trail of your company's follow-up to a workplace mishap.

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Track Employee Medical Monitoring.
  2. In the Filter pane, select the name of the employee. A list of medical monitoring instances assigned to the employee is displayed in the middle pane.
  3. Select an instance to edit from the list. Details about the instance are displayed in the bottom pane.
  4. Edit existing values as needed. Typically, you will complete the entries as follows:
  1. Click Save.

To enter work restrictions that were determined as part of a medical monitoring event:

The result of a medical monitoring might require a work restriction. For example, if an employee develops a rash after performing a task and medical follow up indicates that the rash was caused by exposure to latex in gloves, you will want to restrict the employee from performing tasks that require the use of latex gloves.

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Track Employee Medical Monitoring.
  2. In the Filter pane, select the name of the employee.
  3. A list of medical monitoring instances assigned to the employee is displayed. Select the monitoring instance that resulted in the work restriction.
  4. Information about the instance is displayed in the bottom pane. At the top of the pane, click the Add Work Restriction button.
  5. The system opens the Work Restriction Details form. Enter some or all of the following information in the Work Restriction Details form:
  1. Click Save at the top of the form. The work restriction is now associated with the medical monitoring event.

To assign one-time and routine medical monitoring to an employee:

Although you might assign the majority of medical monitoring events to an employee based on the employee's work category, there are situations in which you will need to assign medical monitoring (both one-time and routine) to individual employees.

For example, an employee may have a particular medical condition, such as asthma, that you need to monitor. Or, an employee has a very unique role in the company for which a specialized medical test is required; this test is not scheduled by work category because it is unique to only this employee's job.

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Track Employee Medical Monitoring.
  2. In the Filter pane, select the name of the employee to which you want to assign a new medical monitoring event.
  3. A list of medical monitoring instances assigned to the employee is displayed. Note that a recurring monitoring has multiple instances. Review this list to be sure that the medical monitoring event you wish to enter does not already exist.
  4. Click Add New at the top of the right pane.
  5. The Assign Medical Monitoring to Employee form opens in the bottom pane. Complete these fields:
  1. Click the Assign Medical Monitoring button. The system generates the medical monitoring events (either a one-time event, or multiple events for medical monitoring categories with a recurring schedule) and updates the list of events to include the new medical monitoring events.
  2. If necessary, you can further edit or review the new medical monitoring events by clicking on an event. The system will display the event's details in the lower pane.


See Also

Track Safety Program Requirements for Employees Individually (Overview)