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Track Safety Program Requirements for Individual Employees
Safety program requirements-- , , and requirements -- can be associated with individual employees in a number of ways:
- in response to a workplace mishap or incident. For example, an employee who sustains an injury in a workplace incident must be monitored until the injury is fully healed. Response-based requirements are typically assigned to the employee through the response features of the Track/Track Incidents task.
- as part of the requirements for an employee's work categories. For example,employees in the Electrician work category must be issued new safety goggles and safety gloves each year. These requirements are assigned to the employee through the Work Categories process.
- individually assigning requirements to employees based on specific circumstances. For example, an employee has a specific medical condition that must be monitored to ensure they can safely perform their job. These requirements are assigned through the tasks of the Track process.
With the EH&S application's Track process you can:
- for a particular employee, review all safety requirements (those from work category, incidents, or individually assigned).
- edit existing safety requirements, such as changing a scheduled date.
- update existing safety requirements once the event occurs. For example, enter comments about the results of medical monitoring or enter the date the PPE was actually delivered.
- delete safety requirements that may no longer be necessary.
Specifically, you can do the following:
- track medical monitoring
- track PPE
- track training
- track employee work restrictions -- view existing and enter new limitations to the jobs that an employee can perform due to a medical issues.