Workplace Services / Reservations

Review Current Work by Trade

Some room and resource reservations have setup and cleanup tasks associated with them. After a reservation has been created, the setup and cleanup tasks for the room reservation are displayed in the Review Current Work by Trade task. This view is useful for any trades people who will be involved in setup and cleanup tasks.

For information on setting up work requests to be generated for setup and cleanup tasks, see the following topics:

Note: If a work request has been generated for a cleanup/setup task, the Work Request Status is listed as "Requested".

To review setup and cleanup tasks:

  1. Select the Manage Trade Work/View Reservations Work by Trade task in the Process Navigator.
  2. Enter search criteria to narrow your search results. For example, enter a Date to Perform value to view all setup and cleanup tasks for a given date.
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. Click the Setup tab to review the setup tasks.
  5. Click the Cleanup tab to review the cleanup tasks.
  6. You are now ready to proceed to another task.