Workplace Services / Reservations

Setting Up the Reservations Application

In the Reservations application, you have to define four types of background data. The first is your general facilities background data, which includes geographical, space, and organizational data. Secondly, you have to update your user data. You also have to update your rooms and room arrangements data. Finally, you have to define your resources data.

In addition to setting up your background data, you have to configure your email server. You also have to configure various Reservations application parameters.

Facilities Background Data

Before using the Reservations application, you have to set up the facilities background data, including geographical, space and organizational background data tables. If you are an existing ARCHIBUS user with licenses for the Real Property & Lease Management, Space Management, Furniture & Equipment Management, Telecommunications & Cable Management, or Building Operations Management domains, you probably have already developed most of the background data you need to get started with the Reservations application.

It is required that the data for the following ARCHIBUS database tables is current:

If you are entering facilities background data using the Reservations application, use the procedure below:

  1. Select the Develop Background Data/Define Countries task in the Process Navigator.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter Country Code and Country Name values.
  4. Click the Save button. This country data is saved to the Countries table.
  5. Continue to add any countries that are not already part of the Countries table.
  6. Select each of the following tasks to complete the other facilities background data tables:
    1. Define Sites
    2. Define Buildings
    3. Define Floors
    4. Define Rooms
    5. Define Divisions
    6. Define Departments
    7. Define Vendors

Users and Email

After updating your facilities background data, you have to update your user data, which includes updating the Users, Employees, Visitors, Trades, and Vendors tables. You must also assign processes to users. In addition, you have to configure your email server. For more information, see the following topics:


After updating your user's data, you have to set up your rooms, which includes defining your reservable rooms and setting up your room arrangements. For information, see the following topics:


Next, you should define your resources. You can start out by setting up your resource standards. Next, you can define your fixed resources. Finally, you can define your general resources, which include unique resources, limited resources, and unlimited resources. For information, see:

Configure Parameters

There are various Reservation application parameters that must be configured, including whether or not to send email notifications. You also have the options to configure parameters such as timeline blocks, timeline start and end times, and archiving days. For information, see Configuring Parameters.